Wednesday, September 14, 2011


  I was thinking about the movie 'Eat Pray Love', starring Julia Roberts and I began thinking to myself. Why do I like this movie?

I don't think that the film is the story of my life. While true they told a lot of true, inspirational thoughts. Though for me the answer is quite complex and simple.

  I want to know who I am and why  I settle for things. I settle with my partner even though he hurts me and has no re-guard for my well being. I settle with disappointment from my loved one's, for which I ask nothing in return but do for willingly. The truth is I'm not sure this is a formidable habit or whether I really do function with a sense of masochistic nature.

Dolce Far Niente (The sweetness of doing nothing.)

Luca Spaghetti 
 “You don’t know how to enjoy yourself. Its true Americans know entertainment, but not pleasure. Americans work too hard, you get burnt out and you come home and spend the whole weekend in your pajamas in front of the TV.”

Tis true, misery loves company. However; misery seems to follow the weary; which it seems almost, inevitable for this American Girl to escape.